Friday 20 February 2015

Jupiter Ascending

This week on MC's Film Critique I look at Jupiter Ascending. Directed by The Wachowskis, brother and sister director duo who brought us The Matrix trilogy.

The trailer looked interesting, so this was on my radar. For those video game savy and fans of other Si-Fi films, let me know if you agree with me that the film looked like Mass Effect meets Star Craft II meets The Fifth Element.

Visually this film looked great. The effects were awesome! There were some really out there concepts in this film such as: owning planets, spliced humans with animals and this super important but rarely mentioned key aspect of the film. 

There is the Abrasax dynasty of who Jupiter (Mila Kunis) is a reincarnation of the head of the dynasty. That's all that made sense to me. After that there is some type of King Lear squabble between her former selves children. Side note, I felt like it reminded me of a Shakespearean play, but I was at a lost until I read this review

Each of the three had like half a goal. POSSIBLE SPOILER One wanted to be closer with her and then is never seen again in the film. One wanted to marry and kill her to inherit the earth to make more money? Then the eldest, Balem Abrasax. First off the actor  whispers most of the film so as to not hear him. This motivation was the least clear. He wanted to kill Jupiter so he could keep the Earth? SPOILER OVER

Basically this film had too much going on. It didn't give many answers, and I found myself asking too often "what is going on and why?" While the action scenes are quite choppy, though they had potential. Not to mention a main plot point is excluded. Why anyone wants or should be helping Jupiter will forever be a mystery.

Overall don't watch this unless you bring earplugs and skip the plot to enjoy how pretty the film looks...

Badge:Jar-Jar Badge

Rating: 4.9/10 Being Pretty Doesn't Cut It For a Passing Grade. 


  1. Thanks for the review Martin. This movie sounds really tedious. I certainly will not be spending my money to see it.

    1. This post only the tip of the iceberg of how incoherent the film is.

  2. I feel like you read my mind every week on which movies to watch. Although I read tons of reviews and always check the ratings, when I set my mind to watching a movie, I must watch the movie. Honestly, I may actually still watch this movie and let you know if I agree or not haha. Hope you watch Insurgent (sequel to Divergent) in March, so I can decide whether to watch it or not.
    Thanks for the review!

    1. Great glad I'm achieving my goal! Totally hope to see insurgent .

  3. Disappointing! I was looking forward to a good sci-fi flick but not sure I'm going to bother seeing it now :( At least now in theatres!

  4. I had seen a bunch of previews for this movie and had no idea what it was about. Based on your take, I will most likely stay away. I don't mind a nice science fiction movie every now and then but this one doesn't seem for me.

  5. The trailor seems interesting and I will put this in my list. Hope I can find a Chinese version. lol

  6. I just watched the trailer, and it looks pretty cool. Not my normal taste in movies (I'm more of a comedy fan) but I might give it a shot! Thanks for the review!
